La Fonda: abstract and resources in English

La Fonda is the non-profit sector's think tank and was created in 1981. La Fonda has been and remains a forum for meeting and comparing ideas.

La Fonda was where the Coluche amendment was drafted (enabling donors to claim tax relief on charitable donations), and the Mouvement associatif (umbrella group for non-profits in France) and the Haut-conseil à la vie associative (non-profit sector consultation and decision-making forum) were first conceived.

The think tank has developed participatory strategic foresight methods to help non-profit sector stakeholders and their partners to develop a strategic vision.

La Fonda conducts studies, runs working groups and strategic foresight workshops, and mobilizes experts with a diverse range of skills to inform the non-profit sector and support its stakeholders.


Since this year, we are gradually publishing resources in English. Discover our first articles in English below :

About our major programs: 

Concept note for "Faire Ensemble 2030" program: Civil society stakeholders working together to build an inclusive, sustainable and just world

Concept note for "Social Economy and Value Creation" trials: Measuring social value rather than social impact

Concept note for the "Carrefour des innovations sociales": Making social innovation a driving force for changing public policy


About our studies:

Citizenship, institutions, civil society French democracy under strain - by Unesco Chair “Urban policies and citizenship” - July 2020

- Placing ecological and social value at the heart of the economy - published in Jurisassociations 620 - June 2020

- Voluntary work in France in 2017 - Summary of the results


In our review Tribune Fonda #262 : 

« The small Canadian charities are struggling more than they've ever been. », Susan D. Phillips


In our review Tribune Fonda #260 : 

« Volunteering is definitely growing in India. », Shalabh Sahai


In our review Tribune Fonda #258 : 

« We can’t create mobilization initiatives that are responding to true needs without listening first to communities’ voices. », Vanessa Diamond


In our review Tribune Fonda #246:

Now Is Not The Time To Mourn The Future, Nils Pedersen

The State and Citizens - Finding a Middle Ground, François Hollande

Advocating for Inclusive Multilateralism, Pierre Henri Guignard

Social Innovation: a Key Role in the Transition, Julie Battilana

— Putting An End To Corruption, Laura Alonso

— The Social Economy - A Source of Hope for Europe, Luigi Bobba